3 Easter Craft Ideas For The Whole Family
March 22, 2019Here at Trabolgan Holiday Village, we know that family time matters. Your little ones will remember the special memories you make now for the rest of their lives, so it’s always helpful to find tips that bring everyone together. (more…)
Family Car Journeys, Are We There Yet?
March 12, 2019Car journeys with small children are rarely pleasurable experiences, but here at Trabolgan, we know that it will all be worth it when you arrive for a fantastic holiday with us! We want to make every aspect of your family break as easy as possible, however, so we have come up with some tips to help your journey to run more smoothly. (more…)
PJ Masks at Trabolgan
February 7, 2019Trabolgan Holiday Village just got even more exciting! Your children will be delighted to meet their favourite PJ Masks characters at Trabolgan Holiday Village, where they will be joining us this year. Catboy, Owlette and Gekko are the latest addition to our friendly children’s entertainment team, swooping into action at night to solve the mysteries that arise during the day. (more…)
Our Top 5 Activities To Do In Cork
January 11, 2019Here at Trabolgan Holiday Village, we are lucky to be located in one of the most beautiful parts of Ireland. The families who visit us are often happy to spend their break entertained by all of the fantastic activities we offer, and may not wish to leave our site at all, but for those who do, there are many wonderful places to explore in the surrounding area. (more…)
Winding Down Time: How To Help Your Child Relax Before Bed
October 4, 2018Most parents will be familiar with the symptoms of over-tiredness: frustration, grumpiness, meltdowns… and that’s just the adults! Small children are not always able to recognise exhaustion in themselves, and sometimes find it very hard to wind down and let themselves sleep, but there are many ways to encourage your child to relax and drift off at bedtime. (more…)